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导读 单项选择( ) 1. It is important good food. A. to eat B. eat C. for eating( ) 2. Y...

单项选择( ) 1. It is important good food. A. to eat B. eat C. for eating( ) 2. You should drink at least eight glasses of water .A. each day B. every day C. A and B( ) 3. What are good habits? A. eat B. to eat C. eating( ) 4. You will enjoy life. A. you B. your C. our( ) 5. I have to go home and feed my fish. A. back B. to C. at用恰当的介词填空1. If you care your health, you will not have to see the doctor.2. We should drink a lot water.3. Jane has to practice the piano the evening.4. We should brush our teeth sleeping.5. Do you want to go to the city me?将句中的划线部分翻译成汉语1. We should go to bed early. 2. You shouldn’t stay up too late. 3. He has to look after the dog. 4. To be healthy, you should exercise every day. 5. On the way to the city, the cow sees a dog. A. My uncle.B. He should take a shower often.C. It’s 8 o’clock.D. Eating more fruit and vegetables.E. Because he exercises every day.选择方框中正确的答语,补全对话( ) 1. What are good habits? ( ) 2. What should he do?( ) 3. Who leaves the farm?( ) 4. Why is Tom strong?( ) 5. What time is it now?按要求进行句型转换1. We should eat much meat.(变为否定句) 2. Do you play sports?(做否定回答)3. You should not stay up too late.(对划线部分提问) 4. You will enjoy your life.(用she改写句子) 5. Jane does chores three times a week.(对划线部分提问) go bad stay feel early六.选词填空,补全对话A: What’s wrong, David? B: I tired.A: When do you usually to bed?B: At 12o’clock. Sometimes I go to bed at 12:30 on the weekend. What about you?A: I often go to bed at 9o’clock. B: So .A: You shouldn’t up too late. It’s for your health.B: I know. I will never do it.七.根据短文内容。

选择最佳答案I am Peter. Today is Sunday. I don’t go to school. But I am very busy. In the morning, I get up at eight o’clock, then I have breakfast. After that I clean my room. It is clean now. In the afternoon, I play soccer with my friends. In the evening, my sister and I eat some vegetables and some meat and drink some juice and milk. But I don’t like coke. It’s bad for the health. After doing my home-work, I watch TV and listen to music.( ) 1. Peter is today. A. at school B. busy C. tired( ) 2. Peter in the morning. A. does chores B. studies C. watches TV( ) 3. Peter eats dinner with his . A. friends B. brother C. sister( ) 4. Peter doesn’t like coke, because . A. it’s good B. it’s too cold C. it’s bad for his health( ) 5. Peter after supper. A. does his homework B. listens to music C. A and B。
