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英汉互译1.穿上(3. 放风筝 5. 这很有趣 7. sit in the sun9. 在冬天 2. Snow is falling4. play outside 6. turn around 8. ski on the snow10. 堆雪人 ","titlete

导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于英汉互译。穿上____________ 放风筝____________ 这很有趣____________ sit in the sun________...

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于英汉互译。穿上____________ 放风筝____________ 这很有趣____________ sit in the sun____________ 在冬天 ____________ Snow is falling____________ play outside____________ turn around____________ ski on the snow____________ 堆雪人____________ ","title_text":"英汉互译。穿上____________ 放风筝____________ 这很有趣____________ sit in the sun____________ 在冬天 ____________ Snow is falling____________ play outside____________ turn around____________ ski on the snow____________ 堆雪人____________方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于英汉互译。穿上____________ 放风筝____________ 这很有趣____________ sit in the sun____________ 在冬天 ____________ Snow is falling____________ play outside____________ turn around____________ ski on the snow____________ 堆雪人____________ ","title_text":"英汉互译。穿上____________ 放风筝____________ 这很有趣____________ sit in the sun____________ 在冬天 ____________ Snow is falling____________ play outside____________ turn around____________ ski on the snow____________ 堆雪人____________方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。 puton 雪正在下 flyakite /fly kites 在外面玩 It'sfun 转圈 坐在太阳下 滑雪 inwinter makeasnowman


